Talisman of
& the Archangel Hamaliel
Note: "Simon Jester" watermark does
not appear on actual talisman.
The intellectual, analytical abilities of Virgo
make this sign ideal for problem solving. An earth
sign, the rational Virgo corresponds to the Path of Yod (# 20) on the Qabalistic
Tree of Life.
This Path harmonizes the Higher Self of Tiphereth with the compassion of
a blending
that requires an amount of self-sacrifice and distancing from ego-driven
desires. Thus, the
Path of Yod is symbolized by the Hermit card of the Tarot deck, which depicts a
person who
has stepped out of the arena of personal needs and desires and attained a
loftier perspective.
Hamaliel, the Archangel of this Path and sign, aids those who seek a more
spiritual point of
view. Hamaliel's magical sigil and name in Hebrew script are inscribed on the talisman.
Plain Parchment
or card stock (2.75" diameter):
$5.95 + $2.50 shipping & handling
Parchment backed
with green painted wooden disk
(3" diameter):
$8.95 + $2.50 Shipping & Handling
Framed Version: $12.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
versions of these planetary talismans can be requested for
an additional charge of $15.00. Time must be allowed for the stars
& planets to be in the proper configurations for the charging & consecration
of talismans with the desired forces.
I accept money orders and
For requests and ordering information, email Simon Jester at:
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